
Government's work on undocumented houses - Details

22 March 2024

The Azerbaijani government has disseminated information about the work done to solve the problem of unregistered houses.

As reports, this was stated in the report of the Cabinet of Ministers on activities for 2023.

It is noted that registration of rights to private residential buildings is carried out in the presence of documents provided for by law.

Taking into account the possibility of a radical solution to the problem of private residential buildings built without complying with the requirements of town planning and land legislation, on the basis of the initiative of the Ministry of Economy, a letter from the head of the Presidential Administration dated April 4, 2023 and the corresponding order of the Cabinet of Ministers, an interdepartmental working group was created within the framework of the coordinated activities of relevant government agencies, in which includes representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture and a number of local executive authorities. The first meeting of the working group took place on June 22, 2023. The working group continues to work on the preparation of draft relevant regulations.